MES Staff Profile
Mrs. Beth Maser

NSAA - Fall Academic All State selections announced. Congratulations kids!
Go Tigers!

Mitchell Public Schools is Hiring! Please visit the following link for details and to apply.
Go Tigers!

The Mitchell Class of 2029 would like to invite our Mitchell family to our Pizza Night Fundraiser at Redz on Thursday, Jan., 9 from 4-7 p.m.! Our meal deal is only $7.50 and you get a slice of pizza, chips, and a pop/water!!
Your support will help us with Prom and Graduation expenses and much more. We look forward to seeing you at Redz on Thursday! Go Tigers!!
Please like this post if you plan to attend!
Go Tigers!

Tigers of the 2nd Quarter
Grades 4-6
Meal will be Thursday, January 9 @ 6:00 pm

Tigers of the Quarter
Grades K-3
Meal will be Thursday, January 9 @ 6:00 pm

Wrestling finishes 4th at Sidney Invite.
Yovani Jimenez - 1st
Brody Fuss - 3rd
Malachi Bowlin - 3rd
Gavin Cheek - 1st
Uzziah Voss - 2nd
Josh Hazzard - 3rd
Wyatt Sauer - 3rd
Wyatt Blomenkamp - 2nd
Go Tigers!

Congratulations to the Mitchell 8th grade girls finishing the season as runner-ups at the Western Conference Tournament. The JH girls wrapped up their basketball season last week. Great job Tigers!

The Mitchell Student Council presented a check for $2,406.74 yesterday to the Mitchell/Morrill Ministerial Association to replenish their food bank. The student council is sponsored by Mrs. Allison Villagrana & Mrs. Beth Maser.

MES Christmas Program
2:00 pm today - Elementary Gym
Doors open at 1:00 pm. Enter through the northeast gym doors. Please do not enter through the front office doors. You may check your child out with their classroom teacher at the conclusion of the concert.

Let's Go Tigers!
Thursday, Dec. 19th Mitchell Basketball vs Hemingford
JV Boys 4 pm at the Elementary
JV Girls 4 pm at the High School
Followed by Varsity Girls and Boys at the High School
Tiger Wrestling Teams travel to Southeast to Dual with a start time of 6 pm
Saturday, Dec. 21st Mitchell Basketball at Morrill
JV Boys Tip off at Noon followed by JV Girls, V Boys, V Girls

MES Profile
Ms. Lyndsie Walters

Congratulations to Max Lydon, Landen Murphy, and Jonah Splichal for making the All-Tournament team at this year's first quiz bowl meet.
Go Tigers!

Congratulations to the Band and Choir students who were accepted into the Chadron State College High Plains Honor Ensembles.
Go Tigers!

Downtown Window Paintings completed by Mitchell Art Students!
Thanks to the Mitchell Chamber of Commerce and our Local Businesses for allowing our students to show their talents!
Happy Holidays!
Go Tigers!

Mitchell Tiger Fans:
These are the final hours of the Mitchell holiday sale! Find the perfect gifts for family and friends, all with home delivery guaranteed by December 23rd!
Choose from hundreds of designs and garments. The shipping time is 12 business days after the order is made and all orders get delivered directly to the fans mailing address.

Come out Thursday, Dec. 12th at 5 pm to cheer on our Girls and Boys Wrestling Teams!! Join our WHITE OUT theme!
Go Tigers!

Mitchell Tiger Basketball Teams will be competing in the Burns Winter Classic. Go Tigers!

Mitchell Jr/Sr High School- Semester Test Information!
Please call the Jr/Sr High School office if you have questions.