#NSAARespectTheRef https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nucUNnByMHo Please take the time to watch this video with your athlete, grandparents, and all family members. Thank you for doing your part in being a role model for everyone around you. At MPS, we take pride in our Sportsmanship. Go Tigers.
over 1 year ago, Kaci Kearns
UPDATE: Friday, September 15 Mitchell Football at Sidney to take on the Red Raiders Kick off at 6 pm Striv https://striv.tv/channel/sidney/ Go Tigers!
over 1 year ago, Kaci Kearns
We will feature an elementary staff member each week. This week is Ms. Katie Scott. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1dRn6W_eBJXD3AHSKDX3_xel4z2f-bJQ7cUv5TvtzK2U/edit?usp=sharing
over 1 year ago, Kirk Kuxhausen
Ms. Katie Scott
MES 6th Grade Information Crossroads Music will be at MES cafeteria on Wednesday, September 13 from 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm. Mr. Sailors will be there to assist students in selecting musical instruments. Instruments will be available to rent or buy. Please contact Mr. Sailors if you have any questions.
over 1 year ago, Kirk Kuxhausen
Way to go Mitchell High School Band! Great day to be a Tiger!
over 1 year ago, Kaci Kearns
The Mitchell band will perform at the halftime show at War Memorial Stadium in Laramie this afternoon - Go Tigers!
over 1 year ago, Kaci Kearns
Come cheer on the Mitchell Tigers Football team tonight at 7 pm! Go Tigers!
over 1 year ago, Kaci Kearns
The Junior High Exploratory Agriculture class got to experience the 21st Century STEM trailer at the high school yesterday.Ā Ā They got to drive a GPS guided lawn mower, fly a drone, learn about hydraulics, electricity, and some of the topography and how 21st Century uses those things to service their customers.Ā Ā They also learned what job offerings and college help 21st Century has to offer.
over 1 year ago, Kaci Kearns
Flu Clinic Coming up soon! See the attached images for all the information! Contact Nurse Thomas if you have any questions.
over 1 year ago, Tanner Long
Come help cheer on the Mitchell Tiger Football team as they compete in their HOME opener against Torrington tomorrow at 7:00! This weekā€™s Crowd Theme is Hawaiian or Beach, so put on your Hawaiian shirts or Beach Wear and come cheer as our boys battle proudly for our Mitchell Tigers! Update - Come early for the game and Support the 8th Grade Class during their Hamburger Feed. They will start serving at 6:00 PM! Go Tigers!
over 1 year ago, Tanner Long
Great day for golf! WTC Champion Kaidyn Patterson with a 101. 4th place Addi Beebe with a 117. Congratulations on WTC All Conference Honors! Go Tigers!
over 1 year ago, Kaci Kearns
MHS Ag News- On Monday the vet and animal science classes had the amazing opportunity to visit the barn of Hubbard Show Lambs and learn about the process of embryo transfers. When we arrived we were met by Dr.Carey Satterfield, a professor of physiology of reproduction at Texas A&M. Dr.Satterfield was a wonderful teacher and really made sure to explain the process. After the ewes were flushed it was time to get the recipients and thatā€™s where we got to help! Our classes were doing hands-on things from lifting the ewes onto the carts, to prepping the belly of the ewes for surgery, giving antibiotic injections and handling the ewes after they were done. They provided our lunch and answered any questions we had all day. It was certainly an amazing experience and we are so blessed to have been able to go and learn hands on. Thanks to Hubbard Show Lambs for the awesome experience! Go Tigers!
over 1 year ago, Heath Peters
Congratulations to Brody placing 20th and Shirley for placing 12th! Go Tigers!
over 1 year ago, Kaci Kearns
Reminder MES PET First Meeting Friday, September 1, 2023 @ 8:00 am Mitchell Elementary Cafeteria Coffee, Donuts, & Great Discussion on School Enrichment Projects Enter through the northeast gym doors.
over 1 year ago, Kirk Kuxhausen
Standard Response Protocol! Mitchell Jr/Sr High students reviewed safety information this morning. The major focus was how we react to a lockdown situation. Locks, Lights, Out of Sight! Avoid, Deny, Defend! Go Tigers!
over 1 year ago, Heath Peters
Congratulations to Kaidyn for placing 2nd with a 107 and Addy for playing 7th with a 115 at the Bayard Girls Golf Invite today. Go Tigers!
over 1 year ago, Kaci Kearns
High School Volleyball at Chadron 8/24 to be streamed on hudlTV beginning at 4:00 pm. This is a pay to view event. https://www.team1sports.com/highschool/ne/?S=chadron Go Tigers!
over 1 year ago, Heath Peters
FB vs Wheatland 8/25 at 7:00 pm to be streamed on NFHS Network. Search NFHS Network Search for Wheatland, Wyoming Select "Away" vs Wheatland 8/25 Select sign up for account or sign in to your existing account. This is a no payment event as Banner Health sponsors all streaming fees for Wheatland High School. Go Tigers!
over 1 year ago, Heath Peters
FFA members are attending the Westco Field day at the Westco Vision Plot today. Go Tigers!
over 1 year ago, Kaci Kearns
Congratulations to our beef fundraiser winners Phyllis Jesse and Raquel Saldival! Thank you to everyone who supported Mitchell athletics! As always your support is amazing! Winners will be contacted soon! Go Tigers!
over 1 year ago, Tanner Long